Nationalism, the U.S. debt, and the "party of business"

Posted by | 1:03 AM
I've been avoiding writing anything about the whole debt ceiling situation, because it just depresses me too much...not just because a U...

Why Japanese government bond yields are so low

Posted by | 6:54 AM
   Paul Krugman poses a puzzle : A question (to which I don’t have the full answer): why are the interest rates on Italian and Japanese deb...

A real Laffer

Posted by | 5:59 AM
One more short note on John Cochrane's paper . In my last post I talked a bit about "dynamic Laffer effects," and claimed tha...

The sum of all right-wing assumptions

Posted by | 6:30 AM
  Dang you, Matt Yglesias! If I don’t get my dissertation done on time, it’s all your fault ! I am referring to this post , in which Matt po...

Long-term or short-term? MU!

Posted by | 4:51 AM
Paul Krugman says that there's not much that government policy can do to promote long-term growth: Changing the economy’s long-run gr...

I now tweet, apparently

Posted by | 10:44 AM
I am now on Twitter, @Noahpinion . Is that the proper format for linking to one's Twitter account? Heck if I know!

Government and growth: a Rorschach test

Posted by | 3:05 AM
  Tyler Cowen links approvingly to a new paper by Andreas Bergh and Magnus Henrekson of the Research Institute of Industrial Economics, ca...

Now Ron Paul wants to debase the currency?

Posted by | 11:14 AM
  Oh dear sweet Jehovah. First Republicans, after spending years warning about the danger of a debt default, decide to not only recommend a ...

Taylor seems to agree with the Keynesians, but claims he doesn't

Posted by | 10:56 AM
  John Taylor has what I consider to be a pretty good post about the stimulus . He points out that if we evaluate the stimulus' impact u...