Home » Archives for May 2011
PSST: The end of economics as we know it

Past performance is no guarantee of future results

Posted by Unknown | 4:47 PM
"Past performance is no guarantee of future results." This is the most common caveat in finance. It means that, despite the fact t...
Conley and Dupor, revised
Posted by Unknown | 4:37 PM
A couple posts back, on May 14 I criticized Timothy Conley and Bill Dupor for overstating their results in the abstract of a recent paper on...
What would it take for an American manufacturing revival?

Posted by Unknown | 12:03 PM
Note: Posting is sporadic, and will continue to be so, due to the freak occurrence of a natural disaster known as "dissertation".....
Who is blocking high-skilled immigration?

Posted by Unknown | 10:40 AM
One native-born American, one (very) high-skilled immigrant. There is a puzzle in the American political economy that has me utterly baffled...
Did the stimulus really destroy a million private-sector jobs?

Posted by Unknown | 2:23 PM
Hey non-economists, want to see what's inside the guts of one of those econ papers you keep hearing about? Well that's why you have ...
Speculators and oil prices: what experiments tell us

Posted by Unknown | 1:30 PM
Another gas price spike, another wave of articles blaming "speculators." Here's an editorial in USA Today by Representative E...
Bob Shiller and Greg Mankiw stick up for Science

Posted by Unknown | 12:18 AM
" Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so." - Galileo Galilei "I appear to be wiser than he, because I...
What I learned in econ grad school, Part 2

Posted by Unknown | 3:53 PM
When I wrote my earlier post recounting what I learned in econ grad school , I realized shortly after I finished it that I might have sounde...
A halfhearted semi-defense of Casey Mulligan

Posted by Unknown | 12:04 PM
Wow, I almost can't believe I just wrote those words. Anyway... Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong are quick to jump all over Casey Mulligan f...
Church, state, and holy wars

Posted by Unknown | 6:18 PM
In honor of the death of bin Laden , I think I'll take a break from economics and do some random, off-the-cuff historical musing. I...