PSST: The end of economics as we know it

Posted by | 2:58 PM
(Note: I wrote this post quite a while ago, and never published it. Since I'll be mostly too busy to blog for a few weeks, I've dec...

Past performance is no guarantee of future results

Posted by | 4:47 PM
"Past performance is no guarantee of future results." This is the most common caveat in finance. It means that, despite the fact t...

Conley and Dupor, revised

Posted by | 4:37 PM
A couple posts back, on May 14 I criticized Timothy Conley and Bill Dupor for overstating their results in the abstract of a recent paper on...

What would it take for an American manufacturing revival?

Posted by | 12:03 PM
Note: Posting is sporadic, and will continue to be so, due to the freak occurrence of a natural disaster known as "dissertation".....

Who is blocking high-skilled immigration?

Posted by | 10:40 AM
One native-born American, one (very) high-skilled immigrant. There is a puzzle in the American political economy that has me utterly baffled...

Did the stimulus really destroy a million private-sector jobs?

Posted by | 2:23 PM
Hey non-economists, want to see what's inside the guts of one of those econ papers you keep hearing about? Well that's why you have ...

Speculators and oil prices: what experiments tell us

Posted by | 1:30 PM
Another gas price spike, another wave of articles blaming "speculators." Here's an editorial in USA Today by Representative E...

Bob Shiller and Greg Mankiw stick up for Science

Posted by | 12:18 AM
" Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so." - Galileo Galilei "I appear to be wiser than he, because I...

What I learned in econ grad school, Part 2

Posted by | 3:53 PM
When I wrote my earlier post recounting what I learned in econ grad school , I realized shortly after I finished it that I might have sounde...

A halfhearted semi-defense of Casey Mulligan

Posted by | 12:04 PM
Wow, I almost can't believe I just wrote those words. Anyway... Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong are quick to jump all over Casey Mulligan f...

Church, state, and holy wars

Posted by | 6:18 PM
  In honor of the death of bin Laden , I think I'll take a break from economics and do some random, off-the-cuff historical musing. I...