What I learned in econ grad school

Posted by | 3:56 PM
I always find it interesting that criticisms of economics education focus more on the graduate side than the undergrad. Consider this broads...

Short thoughts, mostly about the decline of America

Posted by | 11:59 PM
1. The Economist is a "classical liberal" publication. The Economist understands that America needs more, not less, government s...

The tax debate has never been about the evidence

Posted by | 10:14 AM
Matt Yglesias sees the American right retreating from intellectual/empirical attacks on progressive taxation, and falling back on moral att...

Local nonsatiation and the "man who can't be taxed"

Posted by | 3:05 PM
Some people I've talked to are of the opinion that I've been too harsh on Steven Landsburg . They say that I've been too harsh b...

In which Steven Landsburg utterly flips out

Posted by | 8:41 PM
Steven Landsburg thinks he has come up with a proof that taxation of the "idle rich" is impossible : [The extremely rich] Mr. Kend...

Idea of the day: National universities

Posted by | 11:09 AM
I'm a little late in getting to it, but Matt Yglesias has a great post about America's human capital stagnation : [T]hroughout our h...

Calm down, Will Wilkinson! Joe Stiglitz is not the problem.

Posted by | 11:10 PM
  Will Wilkinson is normally one of the calm voices of reason in the political-econ blogosphere. But when liberals complain about inequality...

De divinationibus orbium oeconomiae

Posted by | 1:29 AM
Except for showing off my knowledge of Latin, I have nothing to add to the following four items. Rochelle Edge and Refet Gurkaynak on the f...

Raghuram Rajan's wrongness rankles

Posted by | 12:01 PM
Raghuram Rajan is at it again, taxing my powers of alliteration. His latest column in Project Syndicate contains what seems to be to be an ...