Home » Archives for March 2011
John Taylor draws a Phillips Curve

Tyler Cowen buys straddles on humanity's future

Posted by Unknown | 10:59 PM
Just a quick post here...I've been working hard on dissertation (let's hope Miles Kimball and Uday Rajan are reading this sentence),...
Japan - truth, fiction, and stereotypes

Posted by Unknown | 10:16 PM
Peter Tasker is regarded as "the foremost authority on the Japanese equity market". He lives in Japan, and makes a living studyin...
Predicting China's inevitable slowdown

Posted by Unknown | 5:41 PM
"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." - Herbert Stein China's rapid growth has been going on for 30 years, but it...
Economists' mistakes on climate change

Posted by Unknown | 3:06 PM
Some climate scientists have been getting mad at economists lately (see also here ). As Karl Smith notes , most economic analyses of climat...
Is econ a science? On its good days, yes.

Posted by Unknown | 4:21 PM
Karl Smith Adam Ozimek has a blog post up about whether economics is a science . This is a questions I've thought about a lot. It...
Libertarianism is a "low-end" strategy of state formation

Posted by Unknown | 6:09 PM
Reading Ian Morris' Why the West Rules -- for Now , I was struck by the following passage: In a nutshell, the Eastern and Western cores ...
In a pinch, upgrade the humans or redistribute the robots

Posted by Unknown | 8:26 PM
In my last post , I took a somewhat dim view of economic theories that rely on extremely specific but unobservable changes in technology to ...
Technology in the gaps

Posted by Unknown | 11:33 AM
It must have been strange to be an ancient Greek. Storms happened because Zeus woke up in a bad mood. Seas were calm because Poseidon was of...