Why no one in the U.S. really wants to get tough on China

Posted by | 12:10 PM
The House has just passed a bill that would allow the President to impose tariffs on China in retaliation for China's currency manipula...
0 comments Labels:

Is Obama anti-business?

Posted by | 12:50 PM
The Economist has two articles ( one , two ) on whether Obama is "anti-business." According to both, business leaders are increas...

Anchor Babies

Posted by | 11:21 AM
In response to my last post, commenter "l" writes: The birth-right citizenship was created for the slaves already in the US after...

Conservatives know that their real enemy is the Constitution

Posted by | 9:16 AM
I argued in a past post that American conservatives' true enemy is actually the American Constitution . Conservatives have always wanted...

Why the Tea Party doesn't scare me (much)

Posted by | 2:08 PM
Could America be the new Weimar Republic? Could a combination of bad economic times, military setbacks, and racial/ethnic paranoia fuel a de...

Soaking the moderately rich

Posted by | 8:04 AM
Much fun in the blogosphere today, as Brad DeLong links us to a couple of posts by law professor Todd Henderson, who is complaining that hi...

China: it's tariffs or nothing

Posted by | 8:27 AM
In the news today, I see another instance of Tim Geithner pretending to get tough on Chinese currency manipulation: In his testimony, Mr. G...
0 comments Labels:

What will destroy us in 2012?

Posted by | 8:08 PM
Tyler Cowen says that the most likely world-ending event for 2012 is destruction of the Earth by space aliens . That is silly. First of all,...

Neoclassical economics, post 2 - are public goods a socialist plot?

Posted by | 2:06 PM
Stephen Williamson, in his defense of "neoclassical"/"Minnesota" economics , says some very smart and reasonable things ...

Neoclassical economics, post 1 - math and macro

Posted by | 10:05 AM
Stephen Williamson has written an impassioned defense of the "neoclassical" (or "Minnesota" or "RBC") approac...

Rise of the machine-owners

Posted by | 1:19 PM
In recent years, more and more credence has been given to the scary notion of "skill-biased technological change" - the idea that ...

Econ 101

Posted by | 8:42 AM
Paul Krugman : [T]he [Obama administration's] new [infrastructure] initiative is a chance for me to air one of my pet peeves: the stupi...

O look, ecommonists r smrt!

Posted by | 9:04 PM
Thomas Sargent, a famous economist, is one of the main pioneers and proponents of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models - the kind o...

Once again, America destroys Amurka

Posted by | 6:27 PM
Reihan Salam's take on the recent Beck/Palin rally in D.C.: Palin, like Beck, was talking about a spiritual restoration, a return to t...