Economics would be hard...if it worked.

Posted by | 8:14 AM
Wow. Kartik Athreya, researcher at the Richmond Fed, set off a blogging conflagration the likes of which I haven't seen since George Wil...

Health Care and the Debt-pocalypse

Posted by | 12:38 PM
More and more, one single truth about America's national debt is becoming clear: If we don't want an unsustainable increase in our d...

Country profiling for immigrants is a GREAT idea

Posted by | 9:29 AM
In this article in MacLean's , Charlie Gillis worries that Canada is engaging in too much "country profiling" in its immigrati...

Behavioral political economy

Posted by | 8:42 AM
Superhero economist Paul Krug-man, and his favorite sidekick J. Bradford, are hopping mad over the turn toward fiscal austerity in European ...

A quick, clean intellectual shower in the cold, pure waters of discredited bullshit

Posted by | 12:56 PM
Albert Einstein claimed that "God does not play dice" with the interactions of subatomic particles. Actually, as it turned out, He...

Hamas is OK, You're OK

Posted by | 6:58 PM
When I was seven, my dad taught me about the Viet Cong. Although they were very brutal, he said - torture, murdering civilians, terrorism, a...