Sinica continendus est

Posted by | 6:00 PM
From the WaPo, China begins to push other countries around : From the Copenhagen climate change conference to Internet freedom to China'...

Why democracies (often) do better

Posted by | 6:05 AM
There are a lot of theories floating around out there in the Political Science field about why democracy either results from economic growth...

The hideous spectre of dread export-promotion

Posted by | 11:05 AM
Blake Hounshell at FP Passport rumbles darkly about Obama's "mercantilist" SOTU address: Then there was his disappointing dis...

Defense procurement: adventures in bad logic

Posted by | 5:09 AM
Spencer Ackerman thinks we're spending our defense dollars on the wrong equipment : It’s only a slight exaggeration to say we don’t use...

Getting real about balancing the budget

Posted by | 6:18 AM
The Economist's blog has the best take on Obama's proposed discretionary spending freeze : From the standpoint of the purely econom...

But do Chinese hackers put henna in their beards?

Posted by | 6:48 AM
Here's a Wall Street Journal op-ed I heartily agree with: In the years following the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. faced a grea...

The Chinese chicken comes home to roost

Posted by | 12:17 PM
China-watcher Gilles Sabrie writes : In my more than two decades in China, I have seldom seen the foreign business community more angry and ...

Let me keep punching your face or I won't be your friend any more

Posted by | 6:10 AM
China is incensed over Hillary Clinton's criticism of their moral fibre: China rejected Friday a call by U.S. Secretary of State Hillar...

What to do about very poor countries

Posted by | 6:47 AM
Matt Taibbi translates David Brooks : [ Brooks ]: Third, it is time to put the thorny issue of culture at the center of efforts to tackle gl...

A binge is a binge

Posted by | 8:25 AM
Brad DeLong brings to my attention this article , which purports to show that America's "consumption binge" over the last coup...

Chicago: also home to some non-insane famous economists

Posted by | 6:24 AM
I do a lot of bashing of the "Chicago School" of economics, as do a lot of other people. But it's important to remember that t...


Posted by | 5:19 AM
Via Ry, Andrew Sullivan watches Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin chat and sees a rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem to be born: What you have...

Don't be evil.

Posted by | 7:55 AM
News story of the day : Google is no longer complying with Chinese censorship, and is threatening to pull out of China entirely! Here's ...

Income mobility (in which Noah, possibly for the first time, defends conservative talking points from liberals' logic)

Posted by | 6:18 AM
Gasp. I'm about to do it. I'm about to defend conservative economic talking points against liberal criticisms that are well-grounded...

The Chinese economy: to infinity and beyond?

Posted by | 7:55 AM
Robert Fogel, another of those darn pesky Economics Nobel Prize winners, has a new article out claiming that China's GDP will be $123 TR...