The center cannot hold

Posted by | 11:38 AM
Economist blogger E.G. wonders why Democrats/liberals are more apologetic and defensive about their beliefs than conservatives: In broad st...

Self-guarding guardians

Posted by | 6:51 PM
Plato (inventor of the plate!) suggested that society's safety and virtue be preserved by a class of powerful "guardians," enl...

Why we run deficits

Posted by | 1:13 PM
Writing in Mother Jones, Kevin Drum notes that liberals have been far more willing to cut the deficit than conservatives over the past 30 y...

The red badge of bad economics

Posted by | 1:21 PM
Though Brad DeLong is, far and away, my favorite econ blogger out there today, there are times when I disagree with him. In an article in Fo...

Thoughts on the rise of Asia

Posted by | 7:31 PM
David Pilling has a long, rambling, but good column in the Financial Times about the rise of Asia. It's all over the place, but basica...

One way or another, Medicare is going to go

Posted by | 9:24 AM
It is becoming more and more apparent that the U.S. government has two choices: A) drastic cuts in health care expenditure, or B) a soverei...

On "libertarians"

Posted by | 7:33 AM
Regarding my last post , an anonymous commenter asks: Why do you insist that Angus is a conservative? Are you unable to make a distinction b...

What gets conservatives' goat

Posted by | 11:36 AM
Over at Kids Prefer Cheese, blogger Angus (after merciless heckling from Yours Truly in the comments section) relents and gives me his reaso...

Don't count Japan out yet

Posted by | 3:38 PM
It is fashionable these days to speak of Japan as the "sick man of Asia," a country in severe and possibly irreversible economic a...
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La la la, I can't hear myself

Posted by | 6:31 AM
"Angus" at the blog Kids Prefer Cheese gives us a post called " one reality, many interpretations ?": The progressiv...