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Today in Bigotry

Yes, actually, we do need massive long-term government intervention in the economy

Posted by Unknown | 1:15 PM
Fareed Zakaria : The wide [competitiveness] gap between the United States and the rest of the world is closing... Beginning in the Great Dep...
If at first you don't suck seed...

Posted by Unknown | 1:26 PM
The conservative economic ideology that arose in the late 70s and early 80s was a lot bigger than just "tax cuts and more tax cuts....
Error: bad arguments
Posted by Unknown | 7:09 AM
Dean Baker, director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, scoffs at the idea that the U.S. might one day default on its debt: Ye...
Greed is good sometimes a sign of misaligned incentives

Posted by Unknown | 6:51 AM
Interesting NYT blog post about banker bonuses : Wall Street firms have always been famous for their generous bonuses to managers and trader...
The limit of stimulus
Posted by Unknown | 9:03 AM
The battle over stimulus has shifted. The curmudgeonly neoclassical economists - who think that recessions are caused by us suddenly forgett...
Exponentially increasing bizzareness of the conservative worldview

Posted by Unknown | 12:10 PM
Law of the Universe: as conservatism increases, bizarreness approaches infinity... From Brad DeLong : I was (as penance for my sins) reading...