Best of the 00s: Best Scientist

Posted by | 6:39 AM
Nobel Prizes are awarded for past achievements, so it's only to be expected that the decade's most important scientist has never giv...

Best of the 00s: Best Science Fiction Novel

Posted by | 1:39 PM
Anathem is a history of Western thought in the guise of a science-fiction novel. It features an alien world in which scientists live like c...

Best of the 00s: Best Film

Posted by | 12:53 PM
As far as I'm concerned, the 00s were a bit of a golden age for indie, off-beat, and foreign cinema. Although we were forced to endure a...

Man was never intended to become an oyster.

Posted by | 8:30 AM
Sully wonders why conservatives don't seem interested in conservation: But a conservative will surely also want to be sure that he cons...

Today in Bigotry

Posted by | 6:36 AM
The Swiss ban minarets . Sully writes : Why not synagogues? Or did a neighboring country try that already? It's hard to think of a gest...

Yes, actually, we do need massive long-term government intervention in the economy

Posted by | 1:15 PM
Fareed Zakaria : The wide [competitiveness] gap between the United States and the rest of the world is closing... Beginning in the Great Dep...

If at first you don't suck seed...

Posted by | 1:26 PM
The conservative economic ideology that arose in the late 70s and early 80s was a lot bigger than just "tax cuts and more tax cuts.&quo...

Error: bad arguments

Posted by | 7:09 AM
Dean Baker, director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, scoffs at the idea that the U.S. might one day default on its debt: Ye...

Greed is good sometimes a sign of misaligned incentives

Posted by | 6:51 AM
Interesting NYT blog post about banker bonuses : Wall Street firms have always been famous for their generous bonuses to managers and trader...

The limit of stimulus

Posted by | 9:03 AM
The battle over stimulus has shifted. The curmudgeonly neoclassical economists - who think that recessions are caused by us suddenly forgett...

Exponentially increasing bizzareness of the conservative worldview

Posted by | 12:10 PM
Law of the Universe: as conservatism increases, bizarreness approaches infinity... From Brad DeLong : I was (as penance for my sins) reading...

Are conservatives dum-dums?

Posted by | 7:38 AM
As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a Goodfeather I've argued against the notion that "conservatism = stupidity." T...

Can't Can, and often do can argue with results!

Posted by | 8:36 AM
Conservatives before the stimulus: It can't work. Conservatives after the stimulus: Sure, the economy improved, but we can't know it...

Punishing our friends because our enemies are beyond our reach

Posted by | 1:04 PM
Via Ry, Andrew Sullivan discusses the Goldstone Report on Israel's Gaza incursion. Goldstone writes: In Gaza, I was surprised and shock...

A long Nobel line

Posted by | 1:18 PM
Congratulations to Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson for winning the pseudo-Nobel Prize in Economics . Ostrom (a political scientist by tr...

Mercy vs. Irreversibility

Posted by | 2:23 PM
Via Ry, Ta-Nehisi Coats slams the Texas death-penalty system : Texas justice is essentially sorcery, and there will be people who say that ...

Earth to Johnson & Kwak: People kill people more easily with guns.

Posted by | 7:49 AM
Simon Johnson and James Kwak attempt to rebut the notion that massive Chinese reserve accumulation was a (the?) major cause of the U.S. hou...

Conservatives: If you're serious about putting our guns down, you go first

Posted by | 6:32 AM
In an email titled "Libs only care about the environment when it's not inconvenient to them part 4,938,824," Chris notes that ...

Once more unto the breach

Posted by | 8:05 AM
Eric Falkenstein blogs : I note many of today's full-time intellectuals, those writing about ideas, have no such humility. They think ev...