Except for the nukes, the USSR was unimportant...

Posted by | 7:19 PM
An interesting article by Edward Luttwak (hat tip to Passport ) about why we should ignore the Middle East : We devote far too much attentio...

Why we fight

Posted by | 8:35 AM
I've commented on this before, but here's another article about how a surplus of young men leads a country to violence . The numbers...

My beautiful species, my beautiful country

Posted by | 5:42 PM
A quick disclaimer - though on my last post I claimed that murderous rampages like the one at Virginia Tech (or terrorism) are an indirect p...

Mass killing of one sort or another

Posted by | 5:30 AM
In the wake of yesterday's horrific campus shooting , the Washington Post has a " Why do they do it ?" article. The answer: Th...

The Pill vs. The Pickup Artists

Posted by | 9:01 AM
After reading a post on Marginal Revolution today about why women like "cads" (a fairly frequent topic at that blog), I decided...

Bush Administration Fascism Watch

Posted by | 10:15 PM
From Andrew Sullivan (hat tip to Brad Delong ): Meet Professor Walter F. Murphy , emeritus of Princeton University. He's a former Marin...

Mexican Immigration: Yes, please

Posted by | 4:18 PM
Protesters marched in LA yesterday to protest "Plan Z," Bush's proposal to give illegal immigrants amnesty as long as they le...

Your one-stop shop for China-bashing and corporation-bashing!

Posted by | 2:43 PM
In the WaPo, Harold Meyerson puts the last nail in the coffin of the "Starbucks Theory of Freedom" - the idea that free markets l...

How to make the poor not-so-poor

Posted by | 8:29 AM
Tyler Cowen apparently never saw a piece of Wall Street Journal Conventional Wisdom that he didn't want to defend... His latest post is ...