Marginal Wisdom

Posted by | 9:01 AM
One of the best-known economics blogs is Marginal Revolution , written in part by George Mason University's Tyler Cowen. Many of Cowen&#...

James Dobson, Last of the Mohicans

Posted by | 8:52 PM
An article in US News relays James Dobson's thoughts on the Republican presidential field: On Fred Thompson: "I don't think he...

George Will proves himself right

Posted by | 12:48 PM
George Will's column in today's Washington post attacks the culture of anger : Americans are infatuated with anger: It is democratic...

19th-century policy for the 21st century

Posted by | 10:16 AM
Good, if somewhat standard, article by Fareed Zakaria on why the slight improvement in Bush's foreign policy hasn't earned the U.S. ...

Maybe conservatives don't want civil war after all...

Posted by | 4:51 PM
For a while, it had seemed to me that the American conservative movement would rather rupture the country - violently, if need be - to preve...

Conservatives and Islamists, together again for the first time

Posted by | 8:36 PM
Amazingly good article by Andrew Sullivan in The New Republic. It's long, but I recommend reading the whole thing. The article is about...

Why don't more people call themselves liberals?

Posted by | 1:19 PM
Via Kevin Drum (hat tip to Matt Yglesias ): ...a new Gallup poll show[s] that the number of Americans who self-identify as conservative is ...

North Korea, our new friend

Posted by | 7:28 AM
Here's a very interesting story in South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper. The first paragraph says it all: North Korea's Vice For...

Barney Frank - American Hero

Posted by | 7:06 AM
He's not getting a lot of news, but Congressman Barney Frank (D - MA) is quietly changing America. Frank is sponsoring a bill to allow ...

Another good China post from Setser

Posted by | 6:43 AM
Brad Setser has another great post about China . It's often hard to unravel the complicated language of international trade, and underst...