Huffington and Puffington

Posted by | 8:57 PM
I like the Huffington Post . I read it regularly, even if it's too enormous for me to read it all. Arianna Huffington and her host of re...

Immigration Consternation

Posted by | 6:50 PM
This week was the moment of truth for U.S. immigration policy. All of a sudden, nativist Republicans were thundering about the need to expe...

SUVs, Democrats, Palestinians

Posted by | 11:45 PM
Suddenly the news is interesting again! Today we have: 1. The dept. of transportation has set fuel efficiency limits for SUVs and light truc...

French lessons

Posted by | 2:13 PM
Those of you who read the news (and if not, what are you doing reading this blog?) may have read about the unbelievably huge protests rockin...

Reading Guide Roundup - Gays, Workers, Israel, Globalization

Posted by | 11:09 AM
Too many good articles = no time for in-depth analysis. Oh well, c'est la blogging. Noahpinion's post-weekend reading guide: 1. The ...

Achenbach lives under a rock

Posted by | 2:21 PM
Check out this blog post by Joel Achenbach , entitled "What the Democrats Stand For." It seems like everyone is weighing in on thi...

La la la, I can't hear you!

Posted by | 3:59 PM
I love this piece by Jonathan Chait in The New Republic . There's no basic idea or unifying theme to the piece, which doesn't bothe...

Get em.

Posted by | 11:04 AM
Another (nearly) linkless post, ladies and germs. My cousin, Jonathan Levey, is running for state assembly in California , as a Democrat (I ...

ThSe ClaEsh oXf CiSviliEzatXions

Posted by | 11:25 AM
Anti-Islamic columnist Daniel Pipes, posting on a website whose banner ad is a picture of the Pope and a declaration that "While radica...

Mmm, my favorite topic.

Posted by | 12:47 AM
Jonathan Chait, possibly the smartest anti-Republican attack dog on the Web, writes in TNR that it's Republicans, not Democrats, who are...

Theoretical theories

Posted by | 10:50 PM
One of the most disturbing reports to filter out of the news in recent months was the George C. Deutsch affair , in which a Bush administrat...

Nukes for India

Posted by | 1:41 PM
It's a sign of George Bush's weakness that leaders across both parties are starting to question nearly every decision he makes. For ...

Who's "we," paleface?

Posted by | 12:07 AM
An interesting piece of weekend reading: the spat between The New Republic (Clintonian "New Democrat" bible and "liberal haw...

China, human rights watchdog

Posted by | 7:38 PM
So China is blasting the United States on human rights . Think it's a bit hypocritical that a country that executes thousands, employs r...

Noahpinion's China Report

Posted by | 11:32 PM
When I was six, like so many other American kids before me, I tried to get to China by digging a hole . I realized how difficult this would ...