Women, men, mating, and science fiction

Posted by | 10:32 AM
Science blogger Razib at Gene Expression pissed off a few people recently when he was surprised to see an attractive woman recommending scie...

Palestine; Texification; Fertility; Pork

Posted by | 6:09 PM
The weekly roundup of interesting shtuff from the Web 'n Blogosphere... (sorry, I'm deep into Finals Week...) 1. Martin Peretz of th...

What's Chinese for "Excrement of Bull"?

Posted by | 4:10 PM
As all 2.7 regular readers of my blog know, the only thing I like as much as Republican-bashing and Islamism-bashing is...China-bashing. One...

How dare you have more stuff than me

Posted by | 9:48 AM
Since the Democrats roared back into Congress this November, there's been a lot of chatter in cyberspace about America's income ineq...

Give me that steering wheel

Posted by | 4:11 PM
This post on HuffPo by Robert Borosage caught my eye today. It's another one of those semi-informed economic policy rants ( Stirling Ne...

America's race problem

Posted by | 4:54 PM
An interesting story in The New Republic about how racial attitudes influence voting patterns . For all the talk of "values voters"...

The importance of economics

Posted by | 4:48 PM
Back from my Thanksgiving break, and eager to blog once again! But, for better or worse, my chosen profession of economics has taken over my...

The chief state sponsor of terrorism

Posted by | 8:53 PM
I'm now reading Londonistan , by Melanie Phillips, a book about the Islamic radical threat in Britain. Much of the book is worthless, a ...

Rape in Pakistan, or, The Madrassa vs. The Pill

Posted by | 4:14 PM
One item of news today that flew under the radar of the major newspapers but got picked up by the bloggers: Pakistan has (slightly) toughene...

Do's and Don'ts for the Dems

Posted by | 9:02 PM
It's the question that seems to be on everybody's lips (or everybody's blogs, anyway): Now that Democrats have taken Congress fr...