Superior Mayan engineering

Posted by | 10:30 PM
I met a Mayan engineer on the plane last December. He was headed to Detroit to learn something about some mechanical engineering thing th...

What is an Economic Equilibrium?

Posted by | 9:16 AM
I get asked about this one a lot. And it's also a source of controversy...on one hand you have some econ critics who say "E...

The swamps of DSGE despair

Posted by | 11:58 PM
David Andolfatto (of the St. Louis Fed and the blog MacroMania ) points me to this interesting recent working paper by Braun, Korber,...

The Iraq War: a cost-benefit analysis

Posted by | 2:34 PM
Mark Steyn strikes me as the kind of guy who would trick his buddy into picking a fight, then laugh as his buddy got punched in th...

Markets in almost nothing

Posted by | 10:56 PM
...Nothing important to human beings in rich countries, that is. One of the first things I noticed when I started studying economics was tha...

John Taylor's austerity model

Posted by | 1:25 AM
John Taylor, possibly more than any other economist who writes in the press, likes to simplify things for public consumption. Personally I t...

How the poor can (and should!) save money

Posted by | 7:16 PM
Although my Atlantic column on wealth inequality got a lot of publicity, the comments were mostly negative. Almost all of them sai...

Atlantic column: Building the wealth of the poor and middle class

Posted by | 9:56 AM
New column up at The Atlantic . The basic idea: We should try to make Americans' wealth distribution more equal. Excerpts: The m...

The Left and wages

Posted by | 1:53 PM
Matt Yglesias has a post about the left and wages that I think makes a number of errors. Here's the intro: The left is rightly c...

How is Abenomics doing?

Posted by | 6:47 PM
Last December, Shinzo Abe swept to power, promising to force the Bank of Japan to re-inflate the economy at any cost, boost stimulus s...

Fancy stimulus tools: policy vs. politics

Posted by | 7:25 PM
On 2/26, Miles Kimball wrote a Quartz column called " What Paul Krugman got wrong about Italy's economy ", in which he sa...